STIBET Scholarships for international students (final thesis)

Scholarships are available for foreign students for the finishing phase of their degree programme, funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

Nationality: international candidates

Where: University of Oldenburg, Germany

Scholarship award: worth up to 400 EUR per month for duration of 3 to 4 months


In order to be eligible, you shall:

  • Be international candidates who are likely to finish their degree programme at the University of Oldenburg in the summer semester (Sommersemester) 2019
  • Obtain outstanding academic performance
  • Be in financial need
  • Have voluntary work inside or outside the university

What do you need to submit?

  • Filled application form
  • Motivation letter (Reason for applying, topic of your thesis, time plan for completion, etc.)
  • Resume/CV
  • Transcript with grade average
  • Enrolment certificate
  • Copy of the residence permit from your passport
  • If available yet: A copy of the registration of the thesis with the Examinations Office
  • If available: Proof of voluntary work (brief confirmation is sufficient)
  • If you are married: Information about your family’s overall income, including proof, if available
  • Letter of recommendation from the supervisor of your thesis

Closing date: June 18, 2019
Official website

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